Buy to Let Loans

Interested in buying a property to rent it out to tenants rather than living in it yourself? You’ll find noteworthy articles and resources on buy to let mortgages here.


How does debt consolidation work

How does debt consolidation work

You’ve might have heard debt consolidation described as “rolling up all of your debts into one payment”, and that’s pretty much the gist of it. Instead of paying back smaller amounts to lots of different providers, debt consolidation works by taking all of the money...

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Andrew saved over £800 per month with us

Andrew saved over £800 per month with us

Find out how... Whether you’ve got a long list of presents to buy or a big family Christmas to prepare for, everybody knows that December is often a very pricey month. In fact, a recent study estimated that Britain will go into 2020 with an eye-watering £8.5billion of...

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What is a credit score?

What is a credit score?

Think of it as a cross between a grade for how you’ve been handling borrowing and a prediction for how well you’ll manage a loan in the future A credit score is a figure a lender calculates when deciding whether to make a loan to a potential borrower. Think of it as a...

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What should I do to manage my money better?

What should I do to manage my money better?

First, take a deep breath. The first thing you need to do when you want to manage money better is to actually look at your finances. If you don’t balance your outgoing spend with your income, you will begin to struggle to make ends meet, and if you turn to short term...

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